Philippos Nakas Conservatory and Hellenic American College are organizing a young musicians’ concert on May 26, 2023, at 20:00, at Hellenic American Union’s theater (22 Massalias Street, Athens) to celebrate the seventh year of their partnership in music education.
The gala musical evening features soloists and various groups such as chamber music ensembles, string orchestra, choir, and modern music ensembles. The musicians, who are current students or alumni of the Philippos Nakas Conservatory and the organizations’ joint Bachelor of Music program, will perform works from the classical and contemporary repertoires, gospel songs, spirituals, and jazz standards.
As Ioannis Tselikas, oboist, musicologist, and Director of the B.M. program explains, “we wanted to present a concert that reflects the rich breadth of musical expression and at the same time the diversity of musical studies that our students pursue.”
Admission to concert is free.
About the Bachelor of Music Program
Students who complete the joint Bachelor of Music program earn their degree by Hellenic American University, an accredited American university and a conservatory diploma by Philippos Nakas Conservatory (recognized by the Greek Ministry of Culture).
Graduates of the program are granted recognition of professional equivalence by the Autonomous Department for the Application of European Legislation (ATEEN), Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Graduates who have had their B.M. degree recognized by ATEEN and who are already employed in the public sector, qualify for promotion as graduates of an institution of higher education.
Conservatory students who enroll in the joint Bachelor of Music program four years before completing their studies at the Conservatory have an additional benefit: The time spent in the program counts towards their conservatory studies so that they receive two degrees at the same time, one university and one conservatory degree, while tuition fees are paid only for the Bachelor of Music at the Hellenic American College.
The Bachelor of Music program was designed by world-renowned composer Theodoros Antoniou, who was also its director until his death in 2018, and is built on guidelines from the US National Association of Schools of Music and the Greek Ministry of Culture. Drawing on faculty from both Philippos Nakas Conservatory and Hellenic American University, the program combines professional music training with instruction in theory and composition, along with General Education courses such as critical thinking, writing, and intercultural studies.
Students can pursue a concentration in Music Performance, Film Scoring and Music Production, Music Theory and Composition, Music Theory and Music History & Literature.
As Leonidas Arniakos, Managing Director, Philippos Nakas Conservatory says, “Since our founding, we are constantly looking for ways to advance music studies in our country. This Bachelor of Music program makes the most of Philippos Nakas Conservatory graduates’ studies, offering an academic opportunity that is not to be missed.”
About Philippos Nakas Conservatory
With 2,800 students today and more than 230 teachers, distinguished soloists, members of symphony orchestras and well-known names of the jazz scene with a strong concert and recording presence, the Philippos Nakas Conservatory has been a breeding ground for young musicians since its foundation in 1989, contributing to the shaping of our country's cultural life.
For more information, visit the program webpage or call the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment at 2103680950.
Image: String Orchestra at Megaron, the Athens Concert Hall