Our main collection comprises over 35.000 titles, both fiction and non-fiction, organized with Dewey’s Classification System


The most important mission of the Library is to serve the students and the teaching staff of HAUniv, as well as the HAU teaching staff and student. On the other hand, the collection is open and accessible to external users as well (users that do not belong to the student body or teaching staff).

External users consist of registered users, and visitors. Registration is necessary to check out books.

In case a book, or any other resource is needed at the same time by a registered user and a visitor, registered users have priority.

Important note for the external users

At this stage, no new membership registrations are being made, a new announcement will be made.


All users are welcome in the library, and they are free to borrow its material. However, some categories of materials cannot be borrowed (reference collections, special collections, books on reserve, etc.), and their use is only allowed on the Library premises upon request to the responsible librarian.

The user is entirely responsible for the safe and quick return of all materials to the library. If a return is delayed, the library might inform users. The deadline of the loan period will be clearly noted on the back of the book.

In case of loss, the borrower must replace the exact edition that was lost, or, if that is not possible (i.e. if the book is out of print), the user must pay the Library a financial compensation equal to the current value of the publication.

Library Rules & Regulations

  • Maintain a quiet atmosphere at the Library respecting the rights of other users to work quietly.
  • Cell phones should be placed on silent upon entering the Library. Calls should be taken quietly and moved at the lobby out of the Library.
  • Food and beverages are not permitted in the library.
  • Smoking or the use of electronic cigarettes is prohibited in the Library.
  • Please dispose of trash and keep food and drink away from library materials and other equipment.
  • Users do not put the material they used back on the shelves but leave it on the tables.
  • No damage to the Library's material or equipment is allowed.
  • The library is not responsible for personal property. Please do not leave belongings unattended.
  • Users are required to place their bags in lockers when entering the Library area. For this reason, the Library provides spaces that are secured with a lock. Safeguarding the key is the user's responsibility, until the time of their return to the Library staff.
  • In the library labs, we recommend that you store your files on OneDrive.
  • Users with inappropriate behavior towards the staff and inconsistency with the Library Regulations are excluded from using the Library and its services.

Internal users

Students, faculty and staff of HAEC (Hellenic American College) and HAU (Hellenic American Union) can visit the Library to meet their research needs or to borrow its material.

Library Card

For the HAEC community, the Library’s member card can be issued by submitted an application and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or in person at the circulation desk.

HAUniv students and faculty do not need to obtain a separate Library card.

HAU students on the other hand, must receive their Library cards in person from the Circulation Desk, presenting their proof of study and ID.

Loan Period

Member type
Number of items
Loan Period
Undergraduates HAEC 4 books 20 days
Graduates, PhD candidates HAEC 4 books 20 days
Faculty, staff HAEC - HAU 4 books 20 days
Students of Hellenic American Union 4 books 20 days

External Users

Only currently registered external users are granted borrowing privileges.

The library does not function as a reading room for the external public.

Except for researchers, who are free to utilize the material inside the facility without registering, upon request to the responsible librarian.

Library Card

In order for a member of the public to become a registered user of the Library and check out book needs to be a permanent resident of the Prefecture of Attica, by completing in person at the library’s circulation desk an application form. For the library card to be issued, a bill providing evidence of the permanent address of the applicant must be provided along with his ID.

Applications must be filled out in person for children under the age of 12 and must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.

The card is issued within 1-2 working days.

Registered members of the Library can borrow up to 4 books.

Loans are free of charge for all users of the library.

Loan period

The general loan period is 20 days, renewable for another 20 days.

Important note! For books that have an increased demand, it is possible to reduce the borrowing time to 7 days or even to suspend their borrowing, at the discretion of the responsible librarians.

The Library reserves the right to ask of a user to return a borrowed book to the Library, even if the regular loan period has not ended, in case of emergencies. In these cases, the user will be given a 3 days’ notice, in order to return the book.

Loan period violation

The Library΄s goal is to improve users services and maintain a smooth operation. Therefore, introduces a penalty point system with application of negative points for overdue items, which may result in temporary suspension of borrowing privileges or permanent abolition of them.

For each day of delay in the return of the material to the Library, the user is charged with five (5) negative units, per item.

Users who fail to return or renew items within five (5) working days, reach the penalty point limit of 25 penalty points and their library privileges are suspended. The same applies when users have any other debt to the Library even if they have not reached the maximum number of items entitled to borrow.

When penalty points reach 50, user’s borrowing privileges are suspended for one (1) month.

Repeated penalties may lead to permanent loss of borrowing privilege.

Data privacy statement

The Library may collect data about your library use in order to improve services.

Privacy in library

The Library commits itself to protect users' privacy, as far as their personal information and borrowing records are concerned. (However, any possible financial pendency users may have been not considered private personal information.)

The records and personal information of users will not be used in any way, except for the Library to be able to monitor lending and returns and will not be shared, transferred, sold, or distributed to any third parties.

Borrowing records are considered personal information and will not be communicated to any third parties. In the case of under aged children up to the age of 14 years old, the parents and/or guardians have the right to gain access to the records of their children.

All borrowing data, however, can and will be used, anonymously by the Library for statistical purposes and in order to achieve more effective collection management.