According to American Library Association. Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”

Students and teachers have access to digital resources and specialized study tools that aid and enhance learning.

More information can be found in the Library Handbook, a guide to researching and using resources.

Information Literacy Tools

ProQuest Research Companion

ProQuest Research Companion

An information literacy self-paced tutorial designed to enhance information literacy, writing and research skills.

Over than 80 short videos that answer questions like:

  • How do I choose a topic?
  • Where do I find information?
  • How do I evaluate sources?

To help you quickly become familiar with ProQuest Research Companion, check out tutorials on YouTube.

For more navigate here!

ProQuest RefWorks

ProQuest RefWorks

RefWorks is a citation manager. It can help you organize your research by storing citations for the articles/material you locate/ find. You can then use those citations to automatically generate a bibliography, formatted to whatever citation style you choose.

To help you quickly become familiar with ProQuest RefWork, check out tutorials and recorded training sessions on YouTube.

For more navigate here!

Information Literacy Workshop

Information Literacy workshops are organized annually by the Library staff during the orientation week for new students. Also, throughout the academic year the Library holds workshops either for groups of students, or on one-to-one basis, upon request. The goal of the workshops is to teach search techniques, information evaluation, information systems, database usage etc.

The Library offers a variety of workshops for students, faculty and staff upon request.

These workshops teach how to find, evaluate and use information more effectively, efficiently and independently.

For more information about scheduling a library workshop, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..