8th State of the Art Adolescent Medicine Course at Hellenic American CollegeThe Adolescent Health Unit of the 2nd Paediatric Clinic of the University of Athens, Children's Hospital "P. & A. Kyriakou", and the Hellenic Association for Adolescent Medicine, in conjunction with the N.G.O "Together for Adolescent Health", are hosting a two- day annual conference entitled "8th State of The Art Adolescent Medicine Course." The conference is supported by the Department of Psychology of the Hellenic American College, in cooperation with Hellenic American University (Manchester, NH, USA).

The purpose of the conference is to explore and address the current "hot topics" of adolescent health which include psycho-social as well as medical concerns. Professionals who work with adolescents (i.e., paediatricians, teachers, social workers), as well as parents, may find this conference of interest.

Date and venue
The event will be held on Friday, March 13th (9:30 – 17:00) and Saturday, March 14th (10:00 – 17:30), in the Auditorium of Hellenic American Union, at 22 Massalias Street, Athens.

How do I participate?
Conference participation is free. Continued Medical Education (C.M.E.) credits may be earned. Kindly register by completing and emailing the registration form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The conference will be presented in Greek.

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