Over 200 job interviews conducted at the 2024 Career Fair

Career Fair 2024

The Athens-campus 2024 Career Fair came to a successful close on May 22nd after a round of company presentations, career skills workshop, and 212 onsite interviews between company representatives and Hellenic American University students and alumni/ae.

Participating companies covered a spectrum of industry sectors relevant to the students’ degree programs, such as IT, engineering, marketing and sales, translation, teaching, and clinical psychology. Companies included Randstad Hellas, Skywalker.gr, Toyota Material Handling Greece, Lalizas SA, CQS, Lexis SA, Goldair Handling SA, Orco SA, Translate.One, SoEasy, Hellenic American Union, and Roots Wellness Center. ManpowerGroup Greece, which also took part in the Fair, also conducted an interview skills workshop for students and alumni/ae.

Opening the event, Provost Dr. Themis Kaniklidou pointed out the Career Fair’s importance as another means of bringing students and alumni/ae into closer contact with the job market. The Fair was organized by the Director of the Career Development Office, Ms. Domniki Diamantopoulou, who noted its usefulness in helping the attendees, not only to find a job, but also to become familiar with job market trends.

The participants of the event benefited in multiple ways. Some of them had actually their first experience in professional interviews. Others, more experienced, had the chance to network to find a better job or even to make a career change. Several companies’ representatives were generous enough to provide valuable feedback to the interviewees concerning alternative fields they can turn to, based on their background and market trends.

Several participants have been called back for a second interview, and some have even received job offers.

Image: Career Fair 2024.

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